The Envy Trap

by | Aug 30, 2024

Envy has long been one of the most destructive forces in the world.

It led Joseph’s brothers to sell him into slavery.

It caused Israel to wander in the wilderness for 40 years.

And it prompted the religious leaders of Jesus’s day to deliver Him up to die.

But what is envy?

Envy is a feeling of discontent and resentment aroused by the good fortune of those around us.

It’s usually coupled with a desire for another’s perceived advantages.

And it often breeds ill will and a perverse longing for the downfall of others.

Today, the sin of envy remains the source of all kinds of trouble…

Envy saps us of vitality.

It keeps us from collaborating with those we should partner with.

As James says, envy leads to quarrels and conflicts (James 4:1ff).

It’s also what makes socialism appealing.

And when unchecked, it leads to wars.

This is all standard Christian teaching.

But there’s an aspect of envy we tend to overlook…

Envy is a trap.

It lures us into obsessing over others, causing us to miss the good that God seeks to do in and through our own lives.

This makes envy a mortal enemy—one we must constantly guard against.

How well you fulfill the purpose God has for YOUR life depends largely on your ability to overcome envy and focus on the mission God has for YOU.

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