The Framework Men Need: Don’t Do Life Without It

by | Oct 3, 2024

Years ago there was a business consultant known as ‘Obvious Adams.’

He got this nickname because he traveled the country helping business owners address non-obvious problems with obvious solutions.

Adams was so effective that there is a book about him and his methods fittingly called Obvious Adams.

I’ve read it. It’s a simple but great read.

The story of Obvious Adams came to mind earlier today as I was thinking about how Made for Dominion equips men,

Today, men are bombarded by issues that touch every part of their lives.

Many feel overwhelmed, defeated, and passive in the face of these challenges.


Because they’re dealing with a fundamental but non-obvious problem:

They lack a framework for addressing the challenges life throws at them.

The solution to this is obvious:

Get a framework.

And that’s exactly what the Dominion Mandate offers any man who’s ready to embrace it.

In this commission, God makes it clear—man is called to rule, cultivate, nurture, and protect whatever He entrusts to him (Gen. 1:28; 2:15).

Embracing this framework doesn’t mean life will be free from trouble.

But it does equip a man to face whatever comes with hope, purpose, and direction.

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