God’s sovereign wind

by | Oct 8, 2024

God is sovereign over everything–absolutely everything.

Even hurricanes, as “stormy winds do His bidding” (Ps. 148:8).

This connection between God’s sovereignty and wind shows up early in Scripture.

The second verse of the Bible reveals God’s Spirit, His divine wind, hovering over the waters at the time of creation (Gen. 1:2).

We also know the Lord Almighty accomplishes His purposes not by human might or power, but by His Spirit/wind (Zech. 4:6).

God’s sovereign work in human hearts is no different.

Jesus explained this to Nicodemus…

Just as the wind blows where it will without us knowing where it comes from or where it is going…

So is it with everyone who is born of the Spirit (Jn. 3:8).

The fact God rules over every atom is humbling.

And sometimes fearsome–as “His way is in the whirlwind and the storm” (Nah. 1:3).

Yet the truth God is in total control brings us our greatest comfort and hope.

It assures us His promised redemption of this fallen world will one day be complete…

And leads us to use our breath, our days, and our resources in the service of His kingdom.

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