Providential thinking

by | Oct 21, 2024

“In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps” (Prov. 16:9).

Providential thinking is key to staying the course in the service God has called you to.

But to think providentially, you must set aside the alternatives:

Conspiratorial thinking, which assumes the world is controlled by secret powers destined to bring about evil.

Fatalistic thinking, which says our efforts don’t matter—what will be, will be.

Humanistic thinking, which denies God’s existence and insists that salvation depends on human effort alone.

Against these, we must embrace providential thinking:

Believing in a sovereign God who is at work amid the chaos of our times…

And invites us to partner with Him as His plan unfolds.

Thinking providentially opens our eyes to God’s work around us.

It brings hope in every situation.

And reveals the role He wants us to play as we follow Him.

Whether you’re concerned with global events or the smallest details of your life…

It’s providential thinking—looking to God in faith through life’s every twist and turn—that will keep you on the path He has prepared for you.

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