Embracing our duty to guard and preserve…
God has given every man the calling to protect.
This calling dates back to Eden, where God told Adam ‘to keep’ the garden — which was a directive to guard and protect.
As sons of Adam, this duty remains ours today.
The Ten Commandments also highlights our obligation to protect.
They not only warn against offenses like murder, adultery, theft and bearing false witness…
But imply a duty to preserve life, liberty and property wherever possible.
According to the Bible, civil authorities hold a particular responsibility in this area (Rom. 13:1-7).
And we must be vigilant and prayerful that they are faithful to it.
Yet the call to protect extends to all of us.
We are all charged with pursuing the well-being of our communities…
As Scripture directs us to…
“Seek the welfare of the city” (Jer. 29:7)…
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves” (Pr. 31:8)…
And function as the “salt and light” of the world (Mt. 5:13-16).
A grave danger arises when men neglect their duty to protect…
… whether through apathy, fear, or assuming that someone else will step in.
When this happens, communities become vulnerable to corruption, violence, and tyranny — which leads to suffering for all.
Consider this a challenge to grow more aware of your role in protecting what’s around you.
This may mean dispatching a spider your wife finds in the living room…
Getting involved in a ministry to help the defenseless…
Or having a hard conversation with someone in a position of authority.
Whatever the case, strengthening your instinct to protect is a good thing — and you should do it.