A phrase for every dominion man’s vocabulary

by | Feb 22, 2024

I’ve always been intrigued by words.

And there’s a phrase I believe every dominion man should be familiar with.

It is:

Faffing around.

To faff around is to spend your time doing things that aren’t important instead of what you should be doing.

There are plenty of ways to faff around.

Devotion to amusements, idle chit-chat, being overly consumed with one’s personal care provides a short list of examples.

A lot of faffing about happens when we’re consumed with anxiety or fear.

You can also faff around by things that look good to an observer…

Like spending time planning, getting organized or cleaning up.

You can even faff around by doing acts of kindness or noble deeds…

… if they are done instead of what God’s calling you to do.

You see…

God has ordained particular good works for you to do with your life (Eph. 2:10).

These are activities YOU are especially suited to do because of the way your experience, gifts, and resources can advance His kingdom in the very place He has you.

And you must get at these while you have the opportunity.


Even Jesus didn’t heal or help everyone who came across His path — because He kept focused on His mission.


Be wary of faffing around.

Stay in the habit of living in God’s Word and walking with Him in such a way you will know what he wants you to do.

Then follow through and do it.

James tells us this is serious business…

“… for one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, for him it is sin” (Jas. 4:17).

Lord, keep us from faffing away our lives, and give us grace to fulfill all the good you intend us to do in your name.

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