A Reformation Day thesis

by | Oct 31, 2023

506 years ago today a monk named Martin Luther posted 95 statements (theses) on a church door in Germany.

He did so to express concerns, welcome debate and encourage reform in the church of his time.

Luther ended up getting more than he was after…

In that his posting ignited the Protestant Reformation, which played a key role in developing the Western world.

(You never know what a small act of faithfulness might do!)

Recalling Luther today, I wonder what concerns he would express about the church.

We can’t say for sure.

But in the spirit of Luther, I put forth is this one thesis:

We need to give fresh attention to living obediently as Christ’s disciples in the world today.

For a generation we’ve had a fitting emphasis on grace.

This has brought many souls into God’s kingdom and has provided the foundation necessary to live without condemnation.

But now is a time to build on that foundation.

We find ourselves bobbing around in a culture that has lost its way.

The Bible provides the commands and principles we need for direction.

Yet to benefit, we must use and apply them in our current scene.

In doing so, we shouldn’t fear acting contrary to grace…

For Scripture itself tells us the law is good if one uses it lawfully (1 Tim. 1:8).

Which means…

The law is good when we don’t use it as a way to salvation…

But as a way to restrain evil, point us to Christ, and guide us for life.

To know how to live…

The world needs all of God’s word applied to all of life.

And for this to happen, it will take some reforming among God’s people.

Happy Reformation Day!

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