A time for new foundations

by | Oct 13, 2023

The past years have been a time of ongoing crisis.

With changes and uncertainty that create fear.

But we must remember: God is sovereign over it all.

The world may seem out of control.

Yet He is at work.

Shaking the nations…

In order to lay new foundations for His everlasting kingdom.

This is the way it’s been through the rise and fall of empires.

And it’s our situation now.

In such times we must resist the pull to live in fear…

Or return to days that are gone forever.

Because God is always doing something new.

His story is always moving forward.

And the best we can do is orient our lives to Him…

As we immerse ourselves in His Word…

Prayerfully walk in the Spirit…

And partner with Him in laying new foundations for the future He is building.


Prepare yourself to trust God with whatever He brings next.

And as sons of Abraham, let us press on in faith…

As we look forward to the city whose architect and builder is God (Heb. 11:10).

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