Two enemies you must overcome

by | Sep 3, 2024

There are two enemy forces we must overcome to fulfill God’s purpose in our time:

Apathy and fear.

Apathy says, “I don’t care.”

Fear says, “I’m afraid.”

Both have the same effect:

They immobilize us, keeping us from doing what we can and should do.

The result of inaction is dire.

We see it every day as good deeds go undone… leaving us in a world of hurt.

But there is a way to overcome the apathy and fear that holds us back:

Faithful engagement.

Anyone can faithfully engage if they believe God rules over all…

… and that He intends to use us as His instruments to improve what concerns us.

But for any change to occur, we must overcome apathy and fear—and take action.

The Bible warns against apathy, calling it lukewarmness or complacency.

And it admonishes us not to fear entering the land and taking it for Him.

Instead, it exhorts us to live as salt and light…

… preserving goodness, adding value, and illuminating God’s truth through our actions.

Don’t be idle where God is calling you to act.

Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God (Mic. 6:8).

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