Are fears about the future keeping you down?

by | Sep 14, 2023

When a nation is under judgment and there are fears about the future, the temptation is to hunker down and do nothing.

But the Bible reveals a different approach.

When the people of Israel were exiled in Babylon, God was clear about how they ought to occupy themselves.

He said they should do ordinary things like…

… build houses… plant gardens… get married and have a growing family (Jer. 29:5-6).

And, as an overall principle…

God commanded the people to seek the welfare of their city (Jer. 29:7).

If these were good things to do in the extreme case of Israel in exile, how much more do they apply as we face the troubles of our own time!

So… don’t let today’s moral decline, economic challenges, political instability and general spirit of unbelief keep you down…

Ask God what He would have you do in your circumstances…

Employ your gifts and resources…

Seek the welfare of where you live and those you love.

Though the challenges we face may be big, God has bigger plans (Jer, 29:11).

The story is not over…

And you are a part of it.

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