Attention: moviegoers

by | Aug 11, 2023

Recently my wife and I went to see the movie Sound of Freedom

Which is the blockbuster expose’ of the massive, worldwide child-trafficking industry.

I encourage you to see it too.

Yes, it’s a sobering topic…

It leaves you with some heartbreak…

And isn’t what you would consider entertainment…

But see it anyway.

In fact… I’d say it’s the biblical thing to do!

Part of our calling in life is to protect the garden-land God has put us in (Gen.2:15).

The Apostle Paul also encourages the exposing of evil (Eph.5:11).

And Jesus is well-known for His advocacy of children (Lk. 17:2; 18:15-17).

To apply any of this in a meaningful way in our day, you have to know what’s going on…

You have to see where the battles lie.

Sound of Freedom helps with that, on one very big issue.


The movie is not all grim.

The heroism of the storyline is inspiring.

You leave the theatre wanting to overcome evil with good–wherever you find it.

And we all could use some bolstering along those lines.


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