Beyond the ‘Awokening’

by | Sep 4, 2024

The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever.
~ Psalm 119:160

For years we’ve been told that eliminating religion—specifically Christianity—would lead to a world of freedom, unity, and happiness.

Many have embraced this notion.

But the result has been the opposite: diminished freedom, deeper divisions, and eroded happiness.

The lesson here is clear—there will never be a secular utopia.

When God is removed, truth becomes relative, and everything becomes permissible…

Rules are dictated by raw power, devoid of divine principles.

Which creates a world few would want to live in.

The situation underscores the need to turn away from “the awokening” that afflicts us and pray for a genuine spiritual awakening.

Where the Lord is honored, and His Word is obeyed.

Let us never forget:

This is God’s world.

The only way to experience His blessing is by maintaining a living faith in Him.

And one of the best ways to love your neighbor is to let them see you living in His truth.

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