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First principles — you’ve got to have them
Do you know what your first principles are? You've got to have them. Consider them your foundation stones... starting points... non-negotiables. For...
Some good news about young men
I've got some encouraging news regarding young men. According to my own informal research, online reading, and conversations with younger men......
How to avoid being good for nothing
“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and...
Cheer up, it’s still early
People often look at our troubled world and assume the end is near. They think all the problems we see are signs history is about to come to a...
Should you care about the growing surveillance state?
More and more we are living in a surveillance state. Where every move you make is monitored by a growing web of technology. Should you care? Some...
Why getting something done is so satisfying
Completing a job sure is satisfying, isn't it? It might be something simple like mowing the lawn... Or it could be a much larger project taking...
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“I love the way this material is helping my marriage. It’s not that it’s specifically about marriage, but a better marriage is what’s emerging as I’m understanding more about God’s call on my life as a man.”