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The point of work
When God told Adam to cultivate the garden, He revealed something significant about the purpose of work. He showed us work isn't just about being...
Content but not complacent
People often confuse contentment and complacency. Both have the idea being satisfied. But complacency lacks any impulse to change circumstances for...
Keeping your obligations straight
Life gets simpler when you know your obligations. And the Bible speaks to our most basic obligation when it tells us... We're not obligated to the...
The case for culture-building
Americans must choose between civilization or its destroyers. ~Victor Davis Hanson The above quote got me thinking about how Christians have...
A phrase for every dominion man’s vocabulary
I've always been intrigued by words. And there's a phrase I believe every dominion man should be familiar with. It is: Faffing around. To faff...
A better way to respond to trouble
Facing trouble is an ordinary part of life. And ever since the fall of mankind people have faced all kinds of difficulties... ... health troubles,...
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