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Courage for ordinary people
Heroes of the Bible are known for their courage. Noah, Caleb, Nehemiah, Esther, John the Baptist and Paul are memorable examples. But courage isn't...
Is your mission driven by love?
Every good mission is driven by love. Both a love for those who initiate the mission, and for those who will benefit from it. Pursuing a mission...
Do you self-censor out of fear?
We all can be reluctant to speak freely because we fear the response of others. As it says here: "The particular men we fear or people we seek to...
The sun of righteousness enlightens the way
The sun will rise today on 8.1 billion souls. And due to God's common grace, it will provide energy to the evil and the good alike (Mt. 5:45). But...
The value of rest
Everybody's under pressure to produce and be efficient these days. But we must not neglect to take time to rest. God set the pattern for this when...
God’s law as a tool of dominion
Sad to say, lawlessness is becoming a feature of American life. To illustrate, consider a few recent news headlines... Man Steals iPhones, Stuffing...
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