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What mode is your mind in today?
According recent brain research... The average person spends 46% of their time with their brain in default mode. In this default mode we do things...
Our current competency crisis
Many have noted the Western world is facing a competency crisis. It's as if we've tried so hard making sure people feel good about themselves, we've...
New identity, new life
Ruling one's world well starts with faithfully ruling oneself. And faithfully ruling oneself involves embracing one's God-given identity. Increasing...
How to increase your hunger for God’s Word
If you view Bible reading mainly as an obligation, you'll have a hard time maintaining it as a regular part of your life. But if you see it as food...
The source of direction we need most
We have a great need for direction today. And getting this direction is critical -- for making decisions, avoiding disaster, fulfilling one's...
Experience a new beginning every day
Every new day presents a fresh opportunity to rule over whatever God has entrusted to you. And this should bring hope, as we believe He will use...
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“I love the way this material is helping my marriage. It’s not that it’s specifically about marriage, but a better marriage is what’s emerging as I’m understanding more about God’s call on my life as a man.”