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#1 Reason people struggle making decisions
“How long will you hesitate between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him..." (1 Kgs. 18:21). Decision-making is a regular part of life. And...
Never go negative again
Every fallen human heart has a tendency to go negative. To think the worst. And get cynical when things don't go as hoped. When we head down this...
Keep fighting the good fight
In His great work the City of God... St. Augustine describes the long conflict between those devoted to God's eternal values (the City of God) and...
Going where God calls
One of the ways God works in our lives is that He calls us to do certain things. And when we receive a call, we ought to answer it with obedience…...
Hope for the demoralized
There's a lot in life that can demoralize a man. Personal failures... Hard knocks... Unfulfilled dreams... A culture that diminishes men... These...
Theology and real life
The best theology isn't confined to head and heart -- it works itself out in real life. This definitely applies to the Dominion Mandate, and the...
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