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Theology and real life
The best theology isn't confined to head and heart -- it works itself out in real life. This definitely applies to the Dominion Mandate, and the...
A model for men with a mission
After Caleb spied out the Promised Land, he recommended the people take it as God commanded. But those who went with him didn't share his...
Are Christians really no earthly good?
I'm sure you've heard it claimed "Christians are so heavenly-minded they're no earthly good." Unfortunately, there's some truth in this......
The world’s greatest counselor
In the Bible David interestingly calls God's testimonies his "counselors." He says... "Your testimonies are my delight; they are my counselors" (Ps....
Entering the unknown with faith and courage
Much of life involves facing unknowns. This can cause any of us to live in a state of anxiety and fear. And keep us from entering what God is...
Making the most of your words
God made us verbal creatures. That is, we can speak! And we can use our words to cultivate the various domains He commissions us to develop. James...
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