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Purpose over pleasure

Finding joy in God's design, not the world's distractions... Without a purpose, pleasure becomes the goal of life. This shallow pursuit often leads...

Reflecting the Creator

Maximizing your creative potential... God brought everything into existence from nothing, displaying His infinite creativity and power. This...

The power to take action

Overcoming shame, unbelief, and fear to move forward... One of the features we all share as human beings is agency. We have the ability to make...

Foresight: Wisdom in Action

How preparation today can bring deliverance tomorrow... The recent California wildfires have produced some heroic stories. One of them is about a...

Creation, Fall, Redemption

The essential framework for keeping your life on track... It's essential to have solid frameworks for your life. Without them, you'll be at a loss...

Kevin W. Testimonial | Made for Dominion Ministries Blog | Lakeland, FL

“I love the way this material is helping my marriage. It’s not that it’s specifically about marriage, but a better marriage is what’s emerging as I’m understanding more about God’s call on my life as a man.”

–Kevin W.

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