Build your legacy with warm-handed giving

by | Nov 28, 2023

I don’t tend to pay a lot of attention to Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday.

But as the director of a non-profit ministry, it would be foolish not to participate in Giving Tuesday in some way.

After all, Made for Dominion — and our work to build up men — depends on partnerships with friends like you.

So in a minute I’m going to make a brief appeal to you.

First though…

Let me share something about building your legacy.

There’s a fine book called, Leverage: Using Temporal Wealth for Eternal Gain.

In it, author Ken Boa makes a distinction between warm-handed giving and cold-handed giving.

Warm-handed giving is giving you do while you’re living.

Cold-handed giving is what you do after you’re gone, through a will.

Boa points out how warm-handed giving requires more faith.

But it also builds our trust in the Lord.


It gives you the joy of helping and participating with people and causes that matter to you…

… while building a legacy that will carry on years after you’ve entered glory.

So here’s my appeal to you…

Be warm-handed giver.

And experience the joy that comes from growing in faith as you generously and sacrificially help others.

I know you’re getting a lot of appeals today and this time of year.

But I ask you to consider partnering with Made for Dominion.

Contributing to our efforts with men is a great way to leverage your giving…

… since transformed men have such a constructive impact on families, churches, work places and communities — for generations to come!

If the Lord leads you to partner with us, you can find options for giving here…

Partner with MfD

Or, if you’d like to have a conversation about how you can help with specific projects, I’d love to talk with you.

Just contact me and we can set something up.

Finally, let me encourage you with this…

No matter who you are… what your age… or situation…

It’s always a good time to think about the effect your life is leaving on the world.

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