Building a Pro-Life Culture

by | Jan 24, 2025

Three Commitments to Defend and Celebrate Life…

The 2025 National March for Life is currently underway in Washington, D.C.

This event is the world’s largest annual human rights demonstration, as people gather to celebrate life—from conception to natural death.

This year’s march has me thinking about what it will take to create a more pro-life culture.

In short, I believe it requires three key commitments:

1. A Commitment to Being for Babies

This is pro-life 101.

Life begins at conception.

The unborn must be protected.

Abortion should be banned.

2. A Commitment to Being for Children

Too often children are seen as inconvenient or optional.

But this mindset runs counter to God’s creational command to “be fruitful and multiply.”

Wherever possible, we should encourage the welcoming and nurturing of children.

3. A Commitment to Being for People

People are not a problem.

As God’s image-bearers, they are the pinnacle of His creation.

Every person—at every stage of life—is worthy of dignity, care, and love.

I encourage you to embrace these commitments and put them into action…

  • Defend the unborn
  • Encourage and support young families
  • Show love to the elderly and those who feel unwanted

Creating a more pro-life culture depends on the actions of ordinary people like you and me.

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