Christ or Chaos?

by | Aug 26, 2024

“He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together” (Col. 1:17).

I came upon this observation this morning…

“The fundamental tension of this moment is that there is no organizing thesis for society anymore…”

“… That’s why everyone is walking around dazed and confused.”

Quite a good description of our times, don’t you think?

We no longer share a common understanding of life’s source, purpose and direction.

This is a sobering reality that will inevitably lead to chaos.

But there is good news: an organizing principle is waiting to be rediscovered…

God created the world for us to rule and develop with Him, and we can only accomplish this under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

This idea unites God’s original charter for humanity in Genesis–the dominion mandate–with its fulfillment through His Son–the only Redeemer, in whom all things hold together.

Our future will soon become clear.

The question is:

Will it be Christ or chaos?

Will we face a future of increasing pagan darkness or will we experience a spiritual rebirth marked by a return to God and His truth?

From a human standpoint, the answer hinges on God’s people submitting their entire lives to the Lordship of His Son.

And this makes your faithfulness vital.


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