Are you trying to figure out what to do about some problem?
And could you benefit from a counselor, but don’t know where to turn?
If so, this gem from the Psalms is a good place to begin.
Your testimonies are my delight; they are my counselors (Psalm 119:24).
Three quick observations about this verse…
1) ‘Testimonies’ are what the Bible reveals as God’s will for us.
2) The psalmist delights in these testimonies as a matter of habit for the guidance they give.
3) This is so much a part of his life that he regards God’s testimonies as his personal counselors.
Now here is the application for us, as we regularly find ourselves needing help to know what to do….
… Get really familiar with the instructions of God Word.
… Enjoy the process of observing and understanding the wisdom of His ways.
… And come to regard the directions God has revealed as the best advisors you could have.
Ongoing counseling is available for you.