Disillusioned with politics?

by | Oct 2, 2024

Are you disillusioned with politics?

So much so that you hardly give it attention?

If so, let me encourage you to re-engage…

Politics, at its core, is about how the world is governed.

Interestingly, ruling the world is central to God’s purpose for all of us (Gen. 1:28).

So we all have a vested interest in how governance aligns with our Creator’s design.

A foundational principle of God’s plan for governing is working through representatives–who are commissioned to uphold His precepts.

Adam, the first representative, failed in his role as a ruler.

But Jesus, also a representative, was faithful. And His obedience continues to bless the world.

There are other representatives too…

Husbands, fathers, pastors, leaders of organizations, and, of course, civil rulers.

Each of these leaders bears the responsibility to reflect God’s order in the place He has assigned them.

And how well things go for those under their care largely depends on their faithfulness.

Consider Pharaoh during the time of the Exodus…

He denied God’s sovereignty over him, viewing himself as a god.

And he believed he could solve his nation’s problems through magic.

Egypt suffered greatly because of his defiance.

This principle of representation is why the Bible says…

‘When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan’ (Pr. 29:2).

This principle is also why we cannot afford to disengage from politics.

Our civil rulers represent us.

And one of the great failures of our time is that we have not held them accountable to their role and limitations.

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