Like it or not, dominion is inescapable

by | Sep 28, 2023

Just the idea of dominion makes some people uncomfortable.

And you may be among them.

But we must remember… dominion is inescapable.

Scripture tells us after the Fall, God ordained a great, long, constant battle…

… between the offspring of the woman and the offspring of the serpent (Gen.3:15).


All of history is the unfolding of this battle…

… as the faithful vie against the unfaithful for dominion over the earth.


The question is not should we embrace dominion?

But who will get dominion over this created order?

Will it be a godless elite who plot and scheme against the Lord’s Anointed (Ps. 2:2)?

Or will it be those who labor and serve obediently as they cry out “How long, O Lord?” (Ps. 6:3; Rev. 6:10).

The Bible gives the answer in the same verse I cited earlier about God ordaining a battle…

As it tells us the head of the serpent would be crushed…

Which foreshadows the victory of Jesus over Satan through His death and resurrection.

So friend, no need to be uneasy about this dominion theme I write about every day.

Dominion is inescapable.

Yet the outcome is sure…

The meek shall inherit the earth (Mt. 5:5).

And you are among them as you faithfully fulfill your own dominion calling.

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