Every assignment is a leadership assignment

by | Aug 20, 2024

When God placed Adam in the garden, He entrusted him with a leadership role.

This role involved taking the initiative to (1) develop the garden and (2) protect it (Gen. 2:15).

God has been assigning similar roles ever since.

And every one of them has an element of development and protection.

This includes the assignment He’s given you.

You may not see yourself as a leader, but you are–at some level.

And no matter where God has you, it’s possible for you to lead in simple, practical ways by tending the garden you are in.

It starts by looking around and asking:

  • How can I improve this situation?
  • Does this area need my protection?
  • How can I apply God’s truth or principles here?
  • In what way can this domain of mine better glorify God?

Once you have answers to these questions, start taking action.

The well-known author, speaker, and pastor John Maxwell defines leadership as ‘influence.’

This definition applies to any assignment God gives us.

Our lives are to have an effect on our surroundings.

They’re to ‘bear fruit.’

So consider…

How is God calling you to lead and bring influence for His kingdom where He has you today?

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