Every issue is a gospel issue

by | Nov 15, 2023

Wokeism, Marxist ideology, gender confusion and other leftist dogmas continue to establish themselves in Western culture…

And God’s people — for the most part — don’t address them under the assumption that these are political issues and not gospel issues.

But as it says in the gospel of Mark (v. 13:14): “let the reader understand”…

Every issue is a gospel issue!


Through the gospel, Jesus is in the process of…

… reconciling all things (Col. 1:19-20), freeing creation from its bondage to corruption (Rom. 8:19-21) and making all things new (Rev. 21:5).

This means…

Instead of embracing wokeism out of alleged guilt and desire for social justice, let’s promote true justice for all according to the standards of God’s Word.

Instead of falling for the Marxist doctrines of covetousness and theft, how about encouraging hard work, the equal protection of property, and generosity toward those who genuinely need help?

And instead of accepting the gender confusion of our day, so much would be gained by teaching without apology that God made us male and female, with each bearing a special glory.

This path represents a gospel approach… because it reflects God’s intent to restore His good design throughout His world.

So do not leave these hot cultural topics unaddressed under the assumption they are not gospel issues.

Christ came to bring understanding, healing and restoration in these areas.

And they come under His plan to unite all things in Him, in heaven and on earth (Eph. 1:9-10).

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