Everyday repentance

by | Oct 30, 2023

Repentance isn’t just for big sins.

It applies to smaller, everyday matters too.

The word ‘repentance’ in the Bible literally means ‘change of mind.’

And it has to do with re-orienting one’s ways to the Lord’s.

This may involve turning from a dominant sin or sin pattern.

But more commonly it means making little changes in thinking or direction to create godly course corrections.

In this way, repentance may occur many times a day.

One way the Holy Spirit is a gift to us is that He works to change our minds… direct us away from stubborn tendencies… and keep us in the way we should go…

Which leads us to abide in the Lord and bear maximum fruit for Him.

So always be open to what the Spirit is showing you.

Don’t lean on your own understanding.

But make — and keep — His Word the compass of your life.

And practice “everyday repentance” by turning to Him out of habit.

It’s His way of keeping you on the path He has for you.

Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way.
~ Ps. 139:23-24

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