Finding meaning in your work

by | Sep 5, 2023

Do you struggle to find meaning in your work?

People often view work as a necessary evil…

And it leads them to see their labor as drudgery–not unlike digging a hole, only to fill it up again.

But God created work in the beginning, before the Fall of mankind…

… as a means of fulfilling the Dominion Mandate (Gen.1:26-28).

Therefore, to find meaning in your work, connect it back to God’s original purpose.

When work is disconnected from His call to dominion, it becomes oppressive…

And no amount of pay, status or achievement can fill the heart’s desire to be a part of something eternally significant.

Yet when we see our efforts as part of a larger design, we can discern our place…

Which leads to fulfillment, motivation and a desire to have an impact for God’s kingdom.

So in whatever God has given you to do–be it paid or unpaid–trace it back to His intent for creation.

And by His grace, do your work unto Him…

Confident He will take what you offer up in faith to extend His kingdom in ways you may never know.

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord…” (Col. 3:23).


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