Finding your way in a land of lunacy and lawlessness

by | Jun 13, 2023

For most of my lifetime people have agreed as to what is good and bad or right and wrong.

This doesn’t mean we’ve always done what is good and right…

…but we’ve at least had a consensus about fundamental standards and ideals.

We’re not in that place today.

Currently we live in what one author has called a land of “lunacy and lawlessness.”

Where there are no agreed upon norms.

And it’s left a lot of us wondering how to navigate it all.

So how do you get along in today’s crazy world?

I believe we start by seeing how we got here.

And for this God’s Word is most helpful.

The Bible lays down the principle that…

When people reject God and what He’s revealed, confusion–and worse–results.

Moses warned…

Those who persist in turning from the Lord will end up with “madness, blindness and confusion of mind” (Dt.28:28).

The Apostle Paul agreed with this when He taught…

When men suppress the truth in unrighteousness, God gives them over to a debased mind and all kinds of depravity… even as they claim to be wise (Rom.1:18-32).

Paul emphasized these consequences are a direct result of defying God, by explaining…

God sends strong delusions among those who refuse to love the truth… so they would believe what is false (2 Thess.2:1-11).

It’s scary to think of God’s power and willingness to delude a people in judgment.

But there’s a refreshing clarity that comes from it too.

Because it makes plain…

If we want to escape the illusions of our time and live in keeping with reality as God made it…

We must remain firm in loving the truth and walking in it.

“Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name” (Ps.86:11).

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