Finding your way in murky circumstances

by | Nov 16, 2023

Recently I was talking with a friend who is the chairman of the board of a large organization.

As he explained what he is currently facing, I felt a lot of compassion for him.

The issues before him are complex.

And when you add the demands of different factions, layers of bureaucracy and the moral relativism of our times, knowing how to move forward seems impossible.

But my friend is not alone.

The divisions and moral decay of our times is making ruling over anything more difficult for all of us.

So how do you find your way forward in murky circumstances?

Here are a few principles…

First, walk in God’s light.

It is in God’s light we see light (Ps. 36:9)

And as you make it your practice to abide in His light He will illumine your path.

Second, get familiar with God’s law.

As expressed in Psalm 19 and 119, God’s law is the perfect guide for life.

And as you let it be your number one counselor, it will increase your understanding and direct you in the faithful way.

Third, obey what God is showing you.

Jesus promises to reveal Himself to those who love Him and keep His commandments (Jn. 14:21).

So when you obey His words that apply to your situation, you can be confident He will bless you with His presence and direct your steps.

The challenges of our day makes it seem like ruling well is an impossible task.

But God is faithful and He’s given us principles to follow — even in the murkiest of situations.

So apply them to your own circumstances and trust Him along the way.

The Law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul;
The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.
~ Ps. 19:7

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