Getting dominion in communion with others

by | Mar 15, 2023

God made us to get dominion in communion with Him.

But He also made us to get dominion in communion with others.

We tend to highlight the communion with Him part…

While forgetting about pursuing dominion with others.

We should seek to remedy this.

Especially these days.

We live in a time when people are more isolated and disconnected than ever.

Causing so many to be lonely. And underproductive.

So we need to do what we can to reconnect with other humans…

To fulfill all the good God calls us to accomplish.

But how do we do this when we are separated by so many differences, fears and divisions?

Here are a couple of starting points to remember…

One, every person in your life is made in God’s image.

That means you have a point of contact with everyone you encounter–no matter how different than you.

And this puts you in a position to engage with anyone, with care and confidence.

Two, Jesus restores not only our alienation from God but also our alienation from others.

And in so doing, He brings people together.

So with Christ in you, you are able to live as a reconciler and encourager among those in your midst.

God has not called us to serve Him alone, but with others.

And we actually serve Him best in communion with others.

Take a step to increase your connection with somebody today.

You never no how life-changing it may be.

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