Too often grace is misunderstood.
Some believe because of grace, there are no longer obligations—that we are free to live however we please.
But that’s not the grace God gives us.
From the very beginning, grace came with instructions.
God placed Adam in the garden freely—but with a command.
Likewise, Jesus offers salvation freely—but He also says, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (Jn. 14:15).
Grace doesn’t eliminate God’s direction; it empowers us to live by it.
Paul makes this clear:
“Do we then overthrow the law by this faith? By no means! On the contrary, we uphold the law.” (Rom 3:31).
True grace doesn’t lead to lawlessness. It leads to transformed lives.
When grace is twisted into an excuse for sin, it becomes destructive.
It leaves us without restraint, without direction, and—ultimately—without a sense of our need for Christ.
But real grace, the grace that saves, also teaches us how to live in the world (Tit. 2:11-12).
It equips us to walk in God’s ways—not as a burden, but as the means to carry out the mission He has for us.
Jesus didn’t come to abolish the law but to fulfill it (Mt. 5:17).
And by His grace, we can walk in obedience—not to earn His love, but because we already have it.
This isn’t just about our personal relationship with God—it’s also about His plan for a world adrift in lawlessness.
Without God’s truth and direction, we have no moorings. Our culture is lost.
But when we walk in His ways, we become true ambassadors of His grace, reflecting His order in the midst of chaos.
Trust His grace, and follow His ways.
Don’t conform to the world thinking grace gives you a free pass.
Be a light in a world that desperately needs direction.