Holding Fast to God’s Creational Norms

by | Aug 2, 2024

Question: What kind of culture has an Olympic sport where a biological male can beat up a woman?

Answer: One that’s made a break with the reality of God’s creational norms.

Only God knows how long such a culture can last.

But lest we get depressed and lose hope, let’s turn to the point of this post.

Which is to help you:

(1) Maintain your sanity in the midst of lunacy.

(2) Bring sound judgement wherever God has you.

The way to accomplish both of these objectives is straightforward…

You must keep a relentless grip on God’s creational norms.

This is God’s world.

He made it and did so according to a specific design.

Because God is the Creator, we are right to consider the features of His world ‘creational norms.’

These norms include truths like:

– There is a distinction between us and God

– We are made in His image

– He created us male and female

– The world God made is good and fruitful

– We’re to work six days and rest for one

– Our basic purpose in life is to rule and cultivate the earth with Him

God has woven these norms into the fabric of all He has made.

Ever since sin entered the world, mankind has twisted them.

But Jesus came so we would not only be delivered from our sin, but live in keeping with our Creator’s norms.

The world may be going crazy, but you don’t have to join it.

In fact, by God’s grace, you can play a part in recovering its sanity.

But to do so you must hold on to the creational norms He has given us.

‘All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made’ (Jn. 1:3).

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