A lot of men are looking to improve their situations.
Often, this is driven by a commitment to better provide for their families.
Beneath that, there’s also a desire to become more useful to God’s kingdom.
These men PRAY for their circumstances to change.
And they BELIEVE things will get better.
But one key ingredient is often missing:
A commitment to hone their SKILLS.
We don’t always think of skill development as a reflection of character.
We see it as a practical necessity—just part of making it in the world.
But Scripture lifts up skillfulness almost as a virtue.
-The craftsmen who built the tabernacle were praised for their skill (Exodus 35:31-32).
-Working heartily unto the Lord makes skill-building an act of worship (Colossians 3:23-24).
-Sharpening your skills makes your work more effective (Ecclesiastes 10:10).
From these few references alone, it’s clear—developing your skills is a biblical pursuit.
So keep praying.
Don’t stop believing.
But also…
Hone your skills, man.
“Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand before kings…” (Proverbs 22:29).