How to talk about anything

by | Sep 23, 2024

Do you have a hard time talking about certain topics?

Maybe politics?

Or religion?

Or marriage and family issues?

If you’re like most people, you probably find it challenging to discuss one or more of these issues.

And there’s a reason for it…

We often tie our identity to these topics.

Which can make us defensive or testy when we talk about them.

For example…

If a big part of you identity is tied to your political views…

… you may have a hard time talking with people who have a different perspective without getting your dander up.

Or, if you take pride in being a good family man…

… you might get defensive if your decisions as a husband or father are challenged.

The bottom line…

When you feel like you have an identity to protect, it can hurt your ability to communicate.

Making conversations go poorly.

And leading you to avoid certain topics entirely.

This isn’t good.

To function faithfully in God’s world, we must be able to discuss anything–since He is Lord over all.

So how can we do a better job talking about tough topics?

Don’t tie your identity to them.

Rather, make sure your identity is grounded in being an image-bearer of God and a redeemed child of the Father.

When your identity is solid here, you don’t have to worry about having the right position on any given topic.

You can focus instead on being a faithful ambassador of the Lord you are called to represent.

Anchoring your identity to that which transcends the issues of the day puts you in a great position to talk about anything… without getting anxious, irritated, or flustered.


Through faith in Christ, your whole life is safely guarded in Him (Col. 3:3).

For more on becoming solid in your God-given identity, pick up a copy of my new book The Identity Advantage.

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