It’s the Spirit who brings the renewal we need

by | Oct 11, 2023

There’s a great need for three things today:



And the fear of the Lord.

We need these personally.

And we need them collectively.

Yet where do we get these?

You cannot find them on the shelf at Costco or Sam’s Club.

But we can receive them through the gift of God’s Spirit.

In the Old Testment God anointed men like Moses, Joshua and David with His Spirit to do great works of renewal in their time.

And in the New Testment the Lord gave His Spirit to empower all His people to advance His kingdom on earth.

The Spirit is the divine agent of restoration.

We cannot muster up the resources and changes we need most on our own.

It’s through Him we obtain wisdom, strength and the fear of the Lord.

So in a day when the need for renewal is great, let us pray for the blessing of God’s Spirit.

Let’s not rely on our own resources.

But let us ask for that which can only come from Him.

‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord’ (Zech. 4:6).

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