Here’s something every believer must ponder and apply…
Jesus taught that the top priority of His people is to advance His kingdom and righteousness on the earth (Mt. 6:33).
This means the main focus isn’t our personal devotional life, going to heaven, or growing the church.
While these are good and vital pursuits, they aren’t the main thing.
If we make them the main thing, they can become escapes from God’s primary intent for us…
All while we assume we’re being faithful because we’re reading the Bible, building up the church, and looking forward to heaven.
Again, these pursuits are good and necessary.
But God has something more for us in this life.
He calls us to engage the challenging work of bringing His kingdom to bear…
Wherever He has placed us…
With the confident expectation that He will bring success to our efforts across the world.
This isn’t my idea–it belongs to Jesus.
He made it plain when He…
Taught us to pray ‘Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven…” (Mt. 6:10).
Commissioned us to “make disciples of all nations…” (Mt. 28:19).
And directed us to “seek first His kingdom and His righteousness…” (Mt. 6:33).
Once we grasp this, we gain a bigger vision for the way the gospel transforms everything…
In every aspect of life…
Including politics, business and society as a whole.
Not sure how to apply this to your world?
Ask God what it means for you to make His kingdom and righteousness your number one priority.