Living in the future

by | Oct 4, 2024

It’s all too common to live in the past.

Some dwell on failures, replaying mistakes they can’t undo.

Others bask in distant accomplishments, content to let the glory days define them.

But neither approach prepares you for what God has next.

To engage fully with God’s plans, you need a forward focus.

In the book of Isaiah, God reminds His people of the miraculous Exodus—a time of deliverance and victory.

Yet, He doesn’t want them stuck there.

Instead, He calls them to look ahead with hope, saying, “Behold, I will do something new” (Isaiah 43:18-19).

Similarly, the apostle Paul practiced a holy forgetfulness…

Refusing to be weighed down by the past as he reached “forward to what lies ahead” (Phil. 3:13-14).

Like them, we must remember the lessons of the past and the record of God’s faithfulness.

But our vision should always be set on what’s to come.

Change is happening

God is writing a new chapter in His unfolding story…

One where He calls you to play a part.

So fix your eyes on the future…

Ready for how He may use you in His next work of redemption.

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