Make plans, but…

by | Aug 9, 2023

We often hear of the importance of planning.

And indeed the Bible commends the practice.

It tells us planning is an essential part of building things (Lk. 14:28)…

And that the plans of the diligent lead to abundance (Pr.21:5).


We ought never see plans as our salvation.

How many times have you come up with a perfect plan…

With confidence it was going to deliver you from some problem…

Or bring you into the ideal life you’ve been striving for…

Only to have a new variable come into the picture and disrupt your plan entirely?

It happens all the time!!

And this should not surprise us.

Because in the end, God is sovereign over all–including our plans.

And though our hearts may plan our way, it is He who establishes our steps (Pr.16:9).


By all means, make plans.

Planning is an essential part of ruling and cultivating our world with God.

But always plan with an eye to Him, expecting changes will be necessary…

As He inserts unforeseen elements…

While bringing His good master plan to pass.

May this approach to planning bring you less stress, more joy, and greater effectiveness as you fulfill your place in God’s kingdom.

“Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand” (Pr. 19:21).

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