An important part of your role in the Dominion Mandate has to do with managing your personal property.
This is an often overlooked topic among Christ-followers.
Yet it shouldn’t be…
God created a physical world.
After making it, He called it good…
And ever since He put Adam in the Garden of Eden, it’s been humanity’s duty to develop and tend to real, tangible things.
The Bible presumes the place of private property… when it tells us not to steal or covet (eighth and tenth commandments).
Remember too…
One of the Bible’s clearest passages on the subject of rewards has to do with the management of property (the parable of the talents in Mt. 25).
Worth noting also…
When the Bible speaks of property, it’s to be owned and managed by individuals and families — not the state.
Keep this in mind whenever you see efforts to move capital away from private hands to civil governments.
Bottom line…
God entrusts us all with various types and amounts of property.
It’s individuals and families that He commissions to oversee these possessions.
And we’re to manage and use whatever stuff we have as faithful stewards in His kingdom.
“… it is required of stewards that they be found faithful” (1 Cor. 4:2).