After Caleb spied out the Promised Land, he recommended the people take it as God commanded.
But those who went with him didn’t share his enthusiasm… making the people as a whole fearful… so they overruled him.
But this wasn’t the end for Caleb.
He had a different spirit, and followed the Lord wholeheartedly.
So God kept him strong.
And 45 years later — at the age 85 — he fulfilled the mission the Lord put on his heart.
Caleb is a model for men with a mission.
You may find yourself in the midst of naysayers.
Causing you to doubt what God has shown you…
… and consider giving up your vision entirely.
But you don’t know what God might do in the future — even if it’s years from now.
So, like Caleb, keep following the Lord your God completely (Josh. 14:8).
He has a way of working through those who faithfully persevere.