A model for men with a mission

by | Dec 11, 2023

After Caleb spied out the Promised Land, he recommended the people take it as God commanded.

But those who went with him didn’t share his enthusiasm… making the people as a whole fearful… so they overruled him.

But this wasn’t the end for Caleb.

He had a different spirit, and followed the Lord wholeheartedly.

So God kept him strong.

And 45 years later — at the age 85 — he fulfilled the mission the Lord put on his heart.

Caleb is a model for men with a mission.

You may find yourself in the midst of naysayers.

Causing you to doubt what God has shown you…

… and consider giving up your vision entirely.

But you don’t know what God might do in the future — even if it’s years from now.

So, like Caleb, keep following the Lord your God completely (Josh. 14:8).

He has a way of working through those who faithfully persevere.

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