Never be bored again

by | Sep 1, 2023

Boredom is dangerous.

It’s not only a sign you’re missing something fruitful you could do…

When boredom persists, it makes sin attractive.

But the good news is… you never need to be bored again!

It just takes a larger vision of why we’re here… then acting on it.

If life is just about making ends meet with occasional amusement breaks, you’re gonna get bored.

And, if your faith is mainly a devotional hobby while waiting to die and go to heaven, that will make you bored too!

God created you for something more.

The first chapter of Genesis makes this clear when it reveals how He made us to fill the earth and subdue it.

Jesus also disclosed a big purpose for our lives in all the preaching He did about aligning ourselves with His kingdom.

In short, God intends to use you!

So if you ever struggle with boredom, ponder the way God made you in His image to fulfill a larger agenda with Him.

And consider the unique gifts and opportunities you have to bring His rule to bear on your world today.

Then–by faith–take action.

And see what God starts to do through your efforts.

You’ll never be bored again.

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