Live not in the gap, but the gain

by | Nov 6, 2023

Are you ever frustrated you are not in a better place in life?

And does this make you discontent and prone to grumble inside?

You are not alone.

But this is not a place to dwell.

We know this from what God says in Psalm 106.

There God reveals how Israel failed to see His many wonders…

And how the people were inclined to forget all the good God had done for them.

And this led them to crave and covet and sin against their Maker.

Yet… again and again… the Lord would look on their distress and deliver them.

This record of God’s people reveals a life-giving principle for us …

We must not live in the gap of all we see missing from our lives…

… but in the gain of all the wonderful things He has done on our behalf.

Livin’ in the gap leads to fear, distrust and living independently from God.

But living in the gain of His many deliverances and mercies gives hope and strength to faithfully forge ahead.

Spend less time thinking about what you lack in the gap between where you are and where you think you should be.

And focus instead on all you have gained through God’s mercy, and build upon that.

Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting.
~ Psalm 106:1

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