Our current competency crisis

by | Jan 23, 2024

Many have noted the Western world is facing a competency crisis.

It’s as if we’ve tried so hard making sure people feel good about themselves, we’ve come up short when it comes to knowing how to do what’s good and right.

One place this competency crisis has hit hard is with men.

A lot of men just don’t know what it means to be a man anymore.

And, we don’t know how to do stuff God has given men to do.

This certainly applies to the traditional fix-it abilities possessed by men in the past.

But more significantly… it includes certain life skills with which many men struggle.


– Living with a godly vision

– Knowing how to use authority

– Cultivating life’s different domains

– Making sacrifices

– Exercising responsibility

– Taking initiative

– Having the courage to speak up

– And the wisdom to shut up

– Plus a whole lot more

The competency crisis in these areas comes at a high cost too — affecting families, businesses, churches and communities.

And that’s why Made for Dominion exists.

We’re working hard to help men recover and apply their God-given identity and purpose in today’s world.

In very practical ways.

And it’s bearing fruit in men’s lives.

Would you pray God will help us as we extend our efforts toward a growing number of men for His kingdom?

And if you’re a regular reader would you become a monthly financial partner?

Our work is expanding.

We’re reaching more men.

But we can’t do it without the help of friends like you.

Let’s ‘Make Men Competent Again.’

Especially in their manhood.

And let’s do it together.

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