Two forces EVERYONE must overcome

by | Jun 22, 2023

There are two forces everyone must overcome to fulfill God’s purpose for their life:

These are GUILT and FEAR.

I call these ‘forces’ because they serve as adverse powers that keep you from carrying out your God-given calling.

Both guilt and fear are obstacles that tend to dominate the human psyche.

And these days they weigh extra heavy…

As our culture stokes guilt and fear at every turn–to keep us passive, weak, and easily controlled.

It’s essential to overcome your own guilt and fear if you are going to accomplish every good work God intends for you.

And the only way to do this is by trusting Jesus Christ.

He is the bondage-breaker who sets us free to walk faithfully in the paths our Lord lays before us…

As He brings us out from under every source of condemnation (Rom. 8:1).

And leaves us His peace, so our hearts need not be troubled or afraid (Jn. 14:27).

So do not let guilt and fear keep you down.

Turn to Jesus.

Allow His Spirit to apply His good work to every crevice of your conscience that needs it.

And trust Him.

So you can get on with contributing your gifts to a world that needs them.

And do so with a good conscience and courage.

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