Overcoming passivity

by | Nov 29, 2023

From the beginning God made us to be active.

Not surprising — since being fruitful, multiplying, cultivating and keeping requires activity.

But ever since the Fall of mankind our default position has been passive.

This started with Adam in the garden.

When the tempter approached Eve, Adam should have been active…

… stepping in to protect, speak truth and shoo the devil away.

But Adam was passive.

He became a spectator. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Like our father Adam, we tend to remain passive when we should be active.

The good news…

Jesus reset our ability to be active for what is good and right.

He did this by being active Himself.

Yes, there is a passive aspect to Jesus’s work and we see it in His willingness to go to the cross.

But Jesus actively obeyed His Father’s will to take on human flesh and carry out the plan of redemption.

And thanks to Him we can resist our own tendency to be passive… and rise up and act where God is showing us we should.

So where is God calling you to overcome passivity and be active today?

Is it in…

– addressing a habit?

– reconciling a relationship?

– starting — or finishing — a project?

– intervening on behalf of another?

– getting involved somewhere to overcome evil with good?

There’s a multitude of possibilities.

All you need to do is ask God, listen, and take the next step.

Having a living faith calls for no less (Jas. 2:17).

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