Overcoming personal powerlessness

by | Jul 11, 2023

So many people feel powerless in their circumstances.

This is a big deal, and something to take seriously.

Because if you don’t think you can have an effect on your world, you will eventually give up trying.

But there’s goods news…

God gives power to those who want to have an impact with their lives for the sake of His kingdom.

Therefore, we each need to know how to access this power personally.

So let’s consider this briefly.

First, there is the power of authority.

God has given you delegated authority to govern your realm of existence–no matter how big or small it is.

This goes back to the beginning (Gen. 1 and 2) and was reaffirmed in Jesus’s Great Commission to disciple the nations (Mt. 28:18-20).

So, you have authority from on High to bring the influence of His kingdom… wherever He has you.

Which means, by the way, you never need to apologize for existing!

Second, there is the power of ability.

This power may involve certain skills, as it was with those called to build the temple in the days of Moses (Ex. 31:1-5).

Or it may mean having the ability to overcome fear, so you can execute what God is leading you to do (2 Tim. 1:7).

In each case the power you need is available to you through the gift of the Spirit.

Which means we must trust Him to be at work in our lives if we’re to maximize our abilities.

So don’t let a sense of personal powerlessness overwhelm you.

Just be sure to walk in the Spirit where God has you…

And He will bring about the effect of your life He wants you to have.

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