A few thoughts concerning the election:
1. I’m grateful Trump won.
His administration will allow greater freedom for us to fulfill our God-given callings without oppression.
2. I’m also thankful Florida’s Amendment 4 failed to pass.
This amendment would have made the sacrifice of unborn babies a constitutional right in Florida.
3. We must guard against complacency.
There’s still much to do — beginning at the local level, wherever you live. We must stay engaged and vigilant.
4. We must also love truth and live in obedience.
So many issues stem from our neglect in these areas. Let’s abide in truth and let obedience shape our actions.
5. We still need a spiritual awakening.
Spiritually, America remains a valley of dry bones, needing resurrection and reform within the church and culture.
6. Thank God for His sovereignty.
Regardless of who is in office, Jesus is King, and His kingdom continues to advance.
7. Embrace humble, active trust in the Lord.
Learn to rest in Him in all things… as you do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:8).
How you can put these ideas into practice now that we are on this side of the election?