Praying for authority figures

by | Jun 26, 2024

God works through authority figures to accomplish His purposes.

This is in keeping with the ‘covenant headship’ principle found throughout the Bible.

According to this principle, those in positions of authority and responsibility affect the lives of those under their care.

It’s why Scripture tells us to ‘pray for kings and all those in authority’ (1 Tim. 2:2).

Our common temptation is to critique or complain about those in authority.

Surely there is a place for discussing authority figures and their actions…

It’s part of being an awake, responsible and engaged person.

Yet God emphasizes the need to pray for those in authority.

Which makes sense, as we remember…

Fears, insecurities, ignorance, and selfish motives afflict leaders just like any fallen human.

And since they sit on a higher perch, authority figures typically face these problems with greater intensity.

Consequently, they really need the Spirit to prevail in their hearts and guide them in the right direction.

So when you have a concern about authority figures, remember you are in a position to talk to God on their behalf.

And ask Him to intervene in a way that promotes what is right and true in any situation.

If you have issues with a leader in your life–whether it be a father, husband, boss, pastor, mayor, president or an influencer of any kind–pray for them.

And have confidence that God will use your prayers to bring about His good intended purpose–since He is the one who directs us to pray in this way.

And finally…

If you are a leader or authority figure of any kind, make sure you have people praying for you.

We can only wonder what God might do if we took His prayer directive to heart…

And made a habit of praying for the authority figures in our lives.


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